
Thursday, August 22, 2013

C# Log File Code could not create log files in the Production server(EventLogEnryType)

I did the Timer job for reading SharePoint Lists and Writing Log files in the C Drive\Test.

When I run this code in my Test Machine and UAT server. Log files has created properly in that Particular folder. But When I run in the Production server, It could not create the Files in that Folder.


Please check you Production server environment, Is it any Web Front end server has configured?

So if it has configured then You have to create the Log Folder Structure in that Web Front end server.

Then it will create and write Log files in any server(App server or Web front end servers).

Thursday, August 1, 2013

WSS 3.0 Central Admin Screen

The screens below are the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0


How to Enable Sign in as Different User Option in SharePoint 2013


By default in SharePoint 2013 there is no option for "Sign in as different user".

Use the following procedure to enable this in SharePoint 2013.


Step 1

Go to the location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web ServerExtensions\15\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES
Here we have a file named "welcome.ascx".
We need to edit this file to enable the option.

Step 2

Open the welcome.ascx file in Visual Studio or in Notepad and add the following code

<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_LoginAsDifferentUser"  Text="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuser%>"  Description="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuserdescription%>"  MenuGroupId="100"  Sequence="100"  UseShortId="true"  />

before the content SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_RequestAccess"

and save it:

Step 3

Refresh the site and then "Sign in as different user" will be enabled.

How to Enable Sign in as Different User Option in SharePoint 2013


By default in SharePoint 2013 there is no option for "Sign in as different user".

Use the following procedure to enable this in SharePoint 2013.


Step 1

Go to the location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web ServerExtensions\15\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES
Here we have a file named "welcome.ascx".
We need to edit this file to enable the option.

Step 2

Open the welcome.ascx file in Visual Studio or in Notepad and add the following code

<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_LoginAsDifferentUser"  Text="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuser%>"  Description="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuserdescription%>"  MenuGroupId="100"  Sequence="100"  UseShortId="true"  />

before the content SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_RequestAccess"

and save it:

Step 3

Refresh the site and then "Sign in as different user" will be enabled.