
Friday, September 7, 2018

Sharepoint 2013 Installation Error : Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role : Configuration error

I got in the below error   while trying to install the pre-requisites of sharepoint 2013 on the windows server 2012 R2 OS,

• Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role: configuration error

The tool was unable to install ApplicationServer Role, Web Server (IIS) Role.

I tried to add role via Power shell command, still that Sharepoint 2013 Pre Requiste file is not passed.
we break head and we spent three days trying to figure out this issue and finally we found solution into %WINDIR% to find my solution

The Solution is:
The installer is trying to run the executable C:\Windows\System32\ServerManagerCMD.exe
 Taking a look in the system32 directory, you’ll see that in R2, ServerManagerCMD.exe doesn’t exist! How do we fix that? We do the logical thing. Take ServerManager.exe, copy it, and rename it to ServerManagerCMD.exe. Who cares if it’s messy, it works. :

Now, Run the Sharepoint Pre Requeste Installer: