
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hide left navigation panel without using Sharepoint designer

The users ask to remove left navigation in the Sharepoint Master pages.
You hust hide the left navigation using the below code with Content Editor

Since this web part is just added to the home page, it doesn’t hide the
left nav penal for other pages.

Once move the code in the CEWP then set the chrome type to be “None”.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sharepoint Caluclation column

1.Display date format like "dd-MMM-yyyy"


Namespaces for .Net Fucntionality

1. Going to use upload functionality the use the namespace

using System.IO;

if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileToUpload))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found.", fileToUpload);

Otherwise it throws error

ASP.Net Validation Controls

1. Validation for Non-Numeric and Decimal Values

It will restrict alphabets characters. It will allow only Numbers or
decimal values.

style="text-align:right" Width="53px" BackColor="#82CAFA"
BorderStyle="Dotted" BorderWidth="1px">

runat="server" ErrorMessage="Only Number allowed"
ControlToValidate="Target"  ValidationExpression="^\d*[0-9](|.\d*[0-9]|,
\d*[0-9])?$" ValidationGroup="METVAL">


Monday, March 11, 2013

How to Import the Excel Data into the MS SQL Database table

Create a Dummy table name is Dummy_Tyring and create column name as per Excel Sheet.
The existing table name is Properties

1.Just copy all data from Excel File and paste into the Dummy_Tyring table

2.Execute the below update Query
update [Properties]
set [Properties].Tiring = Dummy_Tyring.Tiring
FROM [Properties]
INNER JOIN Dummy_Tyring ON [Properties].PropertyPIN = Dummy_Tyring.PIN

3.Now all the dummy data information has moved to Existing Database table.


How to check the W2WP Process is running in the Sharepoint

Opend cmd


ASP.Net and C Sharp String Manipulation

1.using foreach loop for split the comma in that string

 foreach (string c in Controls.Text.Split(','))
                        if (c == Target.ID)

2.Get the specific values in that string using substring method

3.Replace the string
toAddress = toAddress.Replace(";", ",");

4.Get the string after comma
string[] words = subject.Split(',');
                string title = words[0];
                string Roomtoretrieve = words[1];
                string MeetingRoom = words[2];