
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Nintex Office 365 Form - Cannot access in Chrome or Edge Incognito Browser - An Error Occurred. Contact Your Site Administrator to update the app

An When I try to open Nintex Office 365 form, which is showing this Error

"An Error Occurred. Contact Your Site Administrator to update the app."

Root Cause of the Issue:

Google Chrome or browser is starting to implement more security controls in regards to third-party cookies, which is present in Incognito mode . They are beginning to block third-party cookies which Nintex Forms uses to communicate information between SharePoint Online and Nintex office 365 Forms - and Nintex form has blocked, Nintex Forms will not work correctly.

Chrome Browser Solution:

You can do this by:

  1. Open Chrome's Cookies and other site data settings chrome://settings/cookies
  2. Under Sites that can always use cookies add the follow sites, and ensure All cookies, on this site only is NOT selected.

    • [*.]
    • [*.]
    • [*.]

Edge Browser Solution:

  1. Launch the Microsoft IE Edge Browsser
  2. Click on horizontal 3dots icon menu for options.
  3. Select Settings from the list.
  4. Switch to the Cookies and Site Permissions from the sidebar menu.
  5. Choose the Cookies and site data option within Site permissions.
  6. Toggle the button to turn ON to Allow sites to save and read cookies data.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

characters use to replace in REST API query

 If you have Special characters(like $Filter=Title eq Vikram's & Pvt. LTD) exist in query then how can i replace special characters in REST API call.

The special characters should be encode to UTF-8 format. Please find the below table to replace the special character.

CharacterEncode (UTF-8)

For more Reference:

Friday, May 6, 2022

Nintex Office 365 form Attachment Cusom Validation

 I have Nintex office 365 form to implement validation rule for attachment is mandatory field.

Please include Jquery Code + Form Validation Rule.

JQuery Form Loading Code:

NWF$(document).ready(function () {

    try {

var chkUATAttachment = NWF$("#" + JSchkUATAttachment);

chkUATAttachment.prop('checked', true);



    catch (e) {




function GetNumberOfAttachments(attCtrlClassName){   return NWF.FormFiller.Attachments.GetAttachedFilesCount(NWF.FormFiller.Functions.GetFillerDivObjectForControl(NWF$("#"+NWF$("." + attCtrlClassName + " .nf-attachmentsRow")[0].id)).data('controlid'))}


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Monday, August 16, 2021

Access denied to Style library on SharePoint Online while create new folder or uploading files


Issue Details

we faced an issue when trying to create fodler and Files


when futher investigating, The Modern Sites and scripting not allowing updating Site property bag.


Run this scrip then you can create folder and upload files

1. Connect to the Site using SharePoint Management PowerShell as shown in the below command line.

Connect-SPOService -Url https://<tenantname>

2. Run the below script to turn off NoScript on the modern site. After sucess, try to upload images to Style library and it should work fine.

Set-SPOSite -Identity https://<SiteUrl> -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Unlock SharePoint NIntex Workflow Tasks With PowerShell


We had struggled with this task locking problem for a few months, once approver's completed task.  It seemed that the problem started after making updates from Microsoft and Nintex.  

It will display in the following message to edit workflow tasks

"This task is currently locked by a running workflow and cannot be edited."

After few hours research, I found out ways to unlock SharePoint Nintex workflow tasks using PowerShell script.




$site=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($siteUrl)




write-host $web.lists

foreach($list in $web.lists){

    foreach($item in $list.items | where {$_[[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPBuiltInFieldId]::WorkFlowVersion] -ne 1}){


            if($item["Status"] -eq "Not Started")




                        Write-Host Unlocking workflow on $





                  Catch [System.Exception]


                        Write-Host Caught error trying to unlock workflow -ForegroundColor Red





Write-Host Unlocked $i workflows within $web.url

