
Showing posts with label Sharepoint 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharepoint 2013. Show all posts

Friday, October 10, 2014

Manually Installed Microsoft App Fabric Prerequisite for SharePoint Server 2013

In order to manually install Windows Server App Fabric for SharePoint 2013,

download the install file:

you just store the file at c drive:

run the following commands from an elevated PowerShell command line:

$file = “c:\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe”

& $file /i CacheClient”,”CachingService”,”CacheAdmin /gac
Note: The double quotations around the commas.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Certificate Validation errors in SharePoint 2013

I got client investigating performance issues – the Portal pages were sometimes taking a very long time to load. Page load times were inconsistent, and the browser would spend a long time “Connecting…”, before content would load on the page. Checking the event logs, we saw a frequent error message:


A certificate validation operation took 30008.7312 milliseconds
and has exceeded the execution time threshold. 
If this continues to occur, it may represent a configuration issue. 
Please see for more details.

 I did something similar before and had to generate a cert via powershell. So I done the following in the SharePoint Management Shell:
$rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate
$rootCert.Export(“Cer”) | Set-Content C:\root.cer –Encoding Byte

The Certificate file will be saved on the C drive

 Once done I went back into the certificates snap in and imported the certificate into the trusted root certificate authorities. Once done the bulk of the errors disappeared 

Then I added Host entry of the web app port number in that host file entries

Friday, September 26, 2014

Error 1603 installing AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server 2012

I just uninstall the AppFabric and re-install the installer would run for a while and then error out with the following message:


AppFabric installation failed because installer MSI returned with error code: 1603


Removing the extra double quote " in the path of PSModules in Environment Profiles helped in solving this issue on Win server 2012


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

App Management Service for Sharepoint 2013 SP Desinger Workflows

I've created SP 2013 simple workflow using SP Designer 2013. I've set up my environment as described in msdn documentation. But when I'm trying to deploy the solution I'm receiving following exception:

Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEndpointAddressNotFoundException: There are no addresses available for this
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoundRobinServiceLoadBalancer.BeginOperation()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServiceApplicationProxyBase`1.ExecuteOnChannel(Boolean
requireDelegation, Action`1 codeBlock)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.AppManagement.AppManagementServiceApplicationProxy.GetScaleOutDatabaseMap()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPScaleOutDatabaseMap.GetMapCacheEntries


Just resolved.

I found following message in ULS:
"There are no instances of the App Management Service started on any server in this farm. Ensure that at
least one instance is started on an application server in the farm using the Services on Server page in
Central Administration."
I went to CA -> System Settings -> Services on server and started App Management Service. Then performed
iisreset and the workflow deployed successfully.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

C# Log File Code could not create log files in the Production server(EventLogEnryType)

I did the Timer job for reading SharePoint Lists and Writing Log files in the C Drive\Test.

When I run this code in my Test Machine and UAT server. Log files has created properly in that Particular folder. But When I run in the Production server, It could not create the Files in that Folder.


Please check you Production server environment, Is it any Web Front end server has configured?

So if it has configured then You have to create the Log Folder Structure in that Web Front end server.

Then it will create and write Log files in any server(App server or Web front end servers).

Thursday, August 1, 2013

How to Enable Sign in as Different User Option in SharePoint 2013


By default in SharePoint 2013 there is no option for "Sign in as different user".

Use the following procedure to enable this in SharePoint 2013.


Step 1

Go to the location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web ServerExtensions\15\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES
Here we have a file named "welcome.ascx".
We need to edit this file to enable the option.

Step 2

Open the welcome.ascx file in Visual Studio or in Notepad and add the following code

<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_LoginAsDifferentUser"  Text="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuser%>"  Description="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuserdescription%>"  MenuGroupId="100"  Sequence="100"  UseShortId="true"  />

before the content SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_RequestAccess"

and save it:

Step 3

Refresh the site and then "Sign in as different user" will be enabled.

How to Enable Sign in as Different User Option in SharePoint 2013


By default in SharePoint 2013 there is no option for "Sign in as different user".

Use the following procedure to enable this in SharePoint 2013.


Step 1

Go to the location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web ServerExtensions\15\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES
Here we have a file named "welcome.ascx".
We need to edit this file to enable the option.

Step 2

Open the welcome.ascx file in Visual Studio or in Notepad and add the following code

<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_LoginAsDifferentUser"  Text="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuser%>"  Description="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuserdescription%>"  MenuGroupId="100"  Sequence="100"  UseShortId="true"  />

before the content SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_RequestAccess"

and save it:

Step 3

Refresh the site and then "Sign in as different user" will be enabled.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

SharePoint Designer workflows never reflects the new changes

I've ran into this scenario a lot it seems. I'm not sure if it's an issue with SharePoint Designer, or SharePoint itself, but the following seems to occur often:
I create a Workflow in SharePoint Designer, and when I save it, it's good to go, and works as expected. However, when opening it later for edits in SPD, I can make changes to the workflow, very large ones, and save it, and on the SharePoint site, it shows as a new version of this workflow, but never reflects the new changes I made to it.
For instance, I created a simple one to test, simply an email gets sent to me when a new item is created in a list. Works fine. However, when I add an item lookup in the body of the email, save the workflow again, and create a new item in my list, I still get a blank email, not the new item lookup in the body of the email as expected.
Is there some kind of timer with SharePoint updating workflows? Am I missing something here?
For SharePoint Designer, the solution is similar to Dave's solution.
It seems SharePoint Designer saves local copies of DLLs from your servers, and although everything seems OK, this prevents it from updating the workflow (this is when custom activities are involved, which the question didn't mention).
To solve this issue for MOSS 2007:
  1. Close SharePoint Designer
  2. Go to
    Or, on older versions of windows:
    C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\WebSiteCache
  3. Delete either (choose one, based on how annoyed you are by now):
    1. All folders.
    2. The folder that "looks most like your site" (can be more than one: site, site(1), etc, and should be the bottom level site, not the root site)
    3. The relevant DLL in that folder.
  4. Start SharePoint Designer, save the workflow again, it should be ok.
To solve this issue for SharePoint 2013 or 2010:

Go to the folder and delete the files and folders

    C:\Users\LOginUse\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
      Before that take backup  and delete it,
        some sites ask to delete the files and folders in the below location, Don't try to delete, Because after deleting the files the existing workflows never open